Sunday, January 17, 2016

30 Day Challenge: Week 1 Recap

Has it really already been a week? So much has happened in the last week it's hard to believe that it's only been one week since this journey began. If you don't know what I'm talking about see this post. The first two days were probably the toughest because I was hungry due to a lack of protein from meat. However, I quickly found plant based sources of protein-tempeh, beans, etc. 

I believe meal prep is key not only for this challenge, but I meal prep every week. It keeps me on track with my macros and it prevents over or under eating. Granted, there is always wiggle room because some days I'm hungrier than others, especially on days I run. 

One of the questions I've been asked is am I still tracking macros during this challenge period? Yes I am. Why? Because I want to make sure my body is getting the nutrients it needs. I have been eating more carbs during, but my body has been handling it beautifully. There's a huge difference between eating 20grams carbs of vegetables and fruit versus 20grams carbs of candy. 

So what have I been eating? I posted a WIAW for a peek into one day, but my day starts off the same- baked oatmeal with fruit, usually pears or raspberries. If I'm hungry I may have a mid-morning snack of dates or an apple. Lunch I usually have prepped- lentil burgers, roasted sweet potatoes, mashed acorn squash, and some fruit. One day I had a hankering for breakfast so I made my coconut flour pancakesDinner, again usually prepped, I had pan seared lemon tempeh (so good!), roasted asparagus, roasted spaghetti squash with tomato sauce made only from tomatoes.

Even in just a weeks time the changes I've noticed have been pretty significant. I'm significantly less tired, my stomach has not been upset nearly as much as usual (I'm being tested for dairy intolerance soon), and I feel better all around. Now, is all of this attributed to changes in diet? Probably not. However, I do think some of it definitely is. Another change I noticed is when I wanted meat because I was hungry the first few days instead of complaining I started praying. It's amazing how the Lord can completely change your mindset. I'm forever in awe of God! 

I've already been in the kitchen meal prepping for this week and I cannot wait to share the recipe! It's been in the works for a number of months and it's really good and perfect for chilly winter days! 

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