Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year's Resolutions

Happy New Year! It's hard to believe it is a new year, it seems so cliche to say, but 2015 went by so incredibly fast! 2015 was a year filled with so many adventures, big moments, and so many incredible memories. I cannot wait to see what 2016 holds!!

I am not big on New Year's resolutions because who really sticks to them? I know I've made resolutions in the past, but like the old saying old habits die hard. Instead of making resolutions I have a few specific goals in mind for 2016. Making specific goals instead of broad goals makes you more likely to succeed and writing down your goals also makes you more likely to follow through with them. If you don't think you can do it on your own have accountability partners. Tell someone else your goals and have them check in with you to see if you're following through.

I've already told a few people my goals for 2016, but I want to share them because it's a way to hold myself accountable. 

Goals for 2016:
1. Run a half marathon (already started training!!)
2. Create a gratitude jar and write down one thing I'm thankful for every day
3. Grow deeper in Christ (maybe start a bible study for college students/recent grads)
4. Find the good in every situation
5. Find a job!

I know I'll make other goals as the year progresses, but these are my goals for now. What are some of your goals for 2016? How do you keep yourself accountable to achieve your goals?

Cheers to what will be a fantastic 2016, Happy New Years!

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