Friday, September 16, 2016

Logging Off and Living Life

I have been spending a lot of time away from the blog recently and as strange as it may sound I'm 100% ok with it. 

I know I have talked about needing breaks before to just live life, but recently I have been stuck in a creativity rut. Every time I'd walk into the kitchen to work on a recipe I was not feeling the usual spark that I normally do. While I do have ideas for some new recipes to make the desire to get to work just is not there and that's not a feeling that I want to force. I want to want to be in the kitchen with my sleeves rolled up enjoying creating something for you guys. My dad always used to tell my brother and I that half hearted efforts produce half hearted results and I don't want to do anything half hearted. 

While the creativity bug has not been striking me I have been enjoying life away from the blog. I have gotten less screen time than I have in a very long time and I have ZERO complaints. I doubt anyone gets to the end of their life and wishes they could have spent more time on blogging or on social media. If someone said that that would be incredibly sad because there is so much more to life than social media. 

Instead of blogging I've been spending lots of time outside. I have been hiking some nearby trails, I hit up a local farm with a friend and I have been enjoying time with my boyfriend. I have only taken a handful of pictures while I have been out with friends but it is so liberating to be out and not take my phone out. 

I have laughed and smiled more in the past few weeks than I have in a long time. I have woken up genuinely happy and excited for a new day. It's no secret that the past few months have been a struggle for a me as I have been adjusting to post grad life and looking for a full time job. There have been a lot of days where I have woken up depressed because I felt like I didn't have a purpose. I am a goal chaser and a doer so not having anything to do has been a struggle. I hate mindlessly sitting around filling out job apps or scrolling through social media because I don't feel like I am accomplishing anything. I have been learning to find purpose by going to the gym and accomplishing running goals, but still it is difficult, especially when I see friends getting jobs and accomplishing big goals and sharing those moments on social media. I can't help but compare myself in those moments and I always feel like I don't measure up. Those moments helped me realize I needed time away.

Taking time away from the screens has felt so good and for the first time in awhile my soul feels refreshed. I have not felt pressure to post on social media, I have lost some followers but life is not all about gaining followers and likes. I have loved sharing some more personal posts on instagram, not just food posts. So what if the personal posts don't get as many likes? I like sharing glimpses of my real life because my life does not revolve around food. I love seeing other bloggers share glimpses into their real life because I love getting to learn new things about them that are not food or fitness related, so why not share a few of my own?

These past few weeks away from social media and all sorts of screens have been exactly what I needed. I needed time to focus on what really matters in life- people. I have been focusing on the friendships and relationships in my life and both are richer and fuller than before. So am I going to totally ditch social media and blogging? Of course not, but I have and continue to cut back. I spend less time scrolling through instagram and Facebook and more time having actual conversations. Social media is a fantastic tool to stay connected, make connections, and reach an audience but it's a double edged sword. 

Personally, I would not trade these past few weeks for anything. I love the memories I have made and all the friends I have gotten to spend time with. The simple moments of walking trails, watching farm animals and just interacting with other people have made my heart so incredibly full. My advice would be to intentionally close the laptop, put down the phone or whatever piece of technology you are using and go engage with other humans- friends, family, significant others, whoever it may be. Engage outside of social media because the nights you remember most will not be the ones you spent lounging around in your PJ's scrolling through instagram


  1. Great post! This is all so true. I have way more time living my life than I ever did on my blog. I'm down to once or twice a week and I'm so glad I did it because I needed the break!

    1. Thank you so much Kristen! I felt so guilty dropping to once or twice a week, but I can't get the creative juices flowing when I don't have a life outside of the screen. It's amazing what a little screen break can do!
