Thursday, December 29, 2016

Thinking Out Loud #17

Holy smokes where has the week gone?! This week has been very crazy and honestly I've spent most of the week trying to figure out what day it is. Christmas being on a Sunday threw everything off for me plus the events following Christmas have been crazy, so let's jump right into this weeks thinking out loud.

1. And we are back at the hospital🙈 in the wee hours following Christmas my dad landed back in the hospital. I don't want to get into details but he's where he needs to be but it's the reason I have been MIA from the blog and haven't been responding to emails or comments. I apologize for being so absent but my dad comes first. Prayers for my dad and my family would be very much appreciated.

2. I've been keeping myself busy at the hospital while I'm with my dad. Luckily I was given Nicholas Sparks new book Two By Two for Christmas so I'm going to dig into that. I'm a giant Nicholas Sparks fan and have read every book he's written so I can't wait to see how this one compares to his others ones. Everyone always thinks it's ironic that I read his books because I cannot stand chick flicks, but I'm a sucker for romance novels. I also blame Nicholas Sparks for unrealistically high expectations for relationships. 

3. I'm very happy to say that the vegan double chocolate chunk cookies were a hit in my family over Christmas weekend. The batch was gone within two days, but they're super easy to make so I didn't mind whipping up another batch (or two). And seriously who doesn't appreciate warm gooey cookies?! Not to mention everyone can eat them because they are allergy friendly.

4. Despite all the craziness with going back and forth to the hospital and everything else going on I have still be getting to the gyms. Granted, my lifts have been shorter but I'm still getting them done so that's all that matters, plus it gives me some much needed stress relief. Leg day was intense that I've been feeling it ALL week. I thought I was going to have to be rolled out of the gym because my legs were already so sore by the time I left the gym😳 my legs are getting much stronger though so all the pain/soreness has been worth it. 

5. Speaking of Christmas I hope everyone had a great holiday however or wherever you celebrated. I stayed at home with family and friends and Cora of course. We did have a white Christmas but it didn't last long because the next day was 52F degrees, which is incredibly rare for MI, and it rained all day. Cora got a few new toys so she was a very happy camper.

6. I want to start back up with half marathon training, but I'd have to do most of it on the treadmill because it's cold, snowy, and windy outside so for fellow runners how prepared have you felt training mostly indoor for a race? I've been lengthening out my runs but treadmill runs don't feel the same to me as running outside- I always run faster outside than on a treadmill (weird I know) but I want to be really prepared for a half going into it. 

I'm going to keep it short and sweet this week because I am exhausted. Have a great Thursday and have a terrific New Year!

What did you do for Christmas?
Do you have a favorite gift from Christmas, if so what?


  1. Oh I have to get that book! I'm a huge fan of his as well and have every book. I didn't even know he had a new one out. My husband usually gets a book for me at Christmas if there's a new release. He must've missed this one!

  2. I'm so sorry about your Dad. I hope he is on the road to a healthy recovery. I've spent more time in the hospital with my elderly parents in the last few years than I'd like. :(

    I live in upstate NY & am training for a half the end of March. I love my treadmill, but I try to run outside as much as possible.

    The right clothes help. And one of our local running clubs has supported long runs until Feb. Of course Feb is one I need them the most!

    It's doable; it's just hard!

    Those cookies look delish. I pinned them, but not planning to try them anytime soon -- now is not a good time for more cookies for me. :)

  3. So sorry to hear about your dad--it's so hard to have something like that happen right after Christmas. Hoping he's able to come home soon! Good for you for being there for him, even just reading your book close by probably means so much to him. Also, awesome job on the leg day! I definitely understand about the "feeling it" thing--I did squats for the first time after doing mostly spin as my primary form of exercise and "intense" is definitely the right word for it. Hobbling up and down stairs! Checking out those cookies now. Hope you have a happy New Year!
