Thursday, November 2, 2017

Puppies and Book Paradise: Thinking Out Loud #61

Happy Thursday and happy Novemeber! I hope you had a great Halloween👻 at the station people could bring their kids in to go trick or treating so it was pretty cute to see all the little kids in their costumes. I didn't dress up or go out I was too busy working, but I'm not much of a Halloween person anyway. I have already started seeing Christmas advertisements and it's MUCH too early for that. After Thanksgiving I'm ok with, prior to that I am not. Anyway, let's jump into this weeks thinking out loud and I promise there's cute puppies!

1. PUPPIES! I got to play with puppies as part of my job over the weekend. I was technically there covering a Halloween event where owners could bring their pets dressed up in costumes. How can your heart not melt when you see this adorable puppy who had a bit too much fun passed out on the pavement? I got tons of puppy kisses and I wanted to take all the dogs home with me. Dogs are seriously the best and any kind of cute events I get to cover with dogs I'm all about🐶

2. While I was covering a store opening a little boy came up to me, tugged on my pants and said, "I watch you on the news." My heart instantly melted, plus he was the cutest little boy. Even though I had to wake up ridiculously early to be at the opening when he came up to me it made my day. I let him talk on camera and he had to say hi to his mom. That part didn't make it on air, but it made my day knowing he was happy. 

3. I'm not a chip person at all. I never have been, but I made chicken tortilla soup over my weekend and I wanted something for the tortilla part. I've seen people rave about siete chips before, so I figured I'd give them a try. They're so good! They're not ridiculously salty and they're perfect in chicken tortilla soup👌 

4. Even though I'm in the minority out here of not being a college football fan, I had a pretty cool experience reporting on the huskers. I was assigned to cover a fantasy camp the team was holding and part of the experience was a tour of the facility, heading out on the field, and a behind the scenes look. It was pretty sweet to run out of the tunnel and onto the field. I got to talk to former Heismen Trophy winners to so all in all it was a pretty sweet experience. 

5. Major nerd moment! I was covering a book sale benefiting the city libraries and it was like walking into bookworm paradise. The sale was in a warehouse and it was just endless rows of book😍 hardcovers books were $1 and paperbacks started at 50 cents! I could have spent so much money in there and not to mention time. Good thing I didn't have my wallet on me because I most definitely would have gone home with lots of books.

6. This quote is spot on. It's easy to reciprocate being mean when someone is mean to you, but it takes a lot of grace to be calm and kind in not so nice situations. Be kind, the world could use a lot more kindness. 

Have a great Thursday and a fantastic weekend, and don't forget to check out the recipe for crockpot turkey vegetable soup I posted! 

Did you do anything fun for Halloween or dress up?

What are you looking forward to the most about the upcoming holiday season?


  1. We don't do Halloween; it's too creepy for me, but I do like costumes. I don't usually dress up in them, but some of my siblings have made some pretty cool costumes for different occasions over the years.

    I LOVE that you got to play with puppies for one of your reporting jobs, and that little boy coming up to you to tell you that he watches you on the news is just precious!!!! Thank you for sharing about your job; it's fun to see the life of a reporter.

    1. I'm with you Emily, I don't do Halloween either, I much prefer Christmas! We both have big dogs and I'm not sure they'd be fans of being dressed up in costumes.

      Awe thank you Em <3 I love your comments and I always feel terrible that I don't have time to respond! I work so much and my hours are so wonky that 90% of the time I'm not working I'm sleeping or working out for a little bit. I hope you're doing good, I think of you often!
