
Friday, April 4, 2014

Salmon and Stir Fry Peppers

I have been meaning to post this recipe forever, but unfortunately school has gotten in the way. I can't wait until classes are over so I can have more time to work on the blog. So many recipes to try, so little time!

This is one of my favorite meals and it is really easy to make. 

For the stir fry veggies:

Chop up 1/3 of a red, yellow, and green bell pepper. Also chop up 1/4 of a sweet onion.

Spray a pan with nonstick cook spray and heat to a medium heat.

Once pan has heated toss veggies onto pan, cover and allow to cook for two minutes.

Then stir occasionally until they become golden brown and tender.

For the Salmon:

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. 

Sprinkle salmon with lemon and herb spices (found in the baking aisle of most grocery stores).

Squirt fresh lemon juice over salmon to keep meat moist.

Bake for 20 minutes, and check. Salmon is done when you prod with a fork and it falls apart. The inside should be light pink in color. If it's bright pink it is NOT fully cooked.

For the rice:

Cook according to package instructions. 

Serve stir fry peppers over cooked rice with salmon, and I had also had a kiwi with my meal. 

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