
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Happy Thursday!

It is such a beautiful day and I couldn't be happier! This morning after going to the gym I made a trip to one of my favorite stores: 

Yup, I went to Trader Joe's. I picked up a few ingredients for an absolutely delicious recipe that I will share with you tomorrow. Just for fun I'll give you a hint- it's a healthy sweet that you can eat for a meal or a treat and it may involve a Quest...

Speaking of quests after Trader Joe's I stopped in to The Vitamin Shoppe and picked up a few Quest Bars. I got the coconut cashew, vanilla almond crunch and cinnamon roll. I am beyond stoked to try each and every flavor! I already have so many ideas for new and delicious ways to enjoy Quest Bars.

I also picked up a sample packet of Vega protein powder. I've had their protein before, but i wanted to try the sport version. I love that it is a plant based product and not manufactured ingredients.  

Look at the nutrition facts! Those are some facts I can happily stand behind. After I try it I will post a review of my thoughts.

I also picked up a Chia Bar by Health Warrior at the Vitamin Shoppe. I have heard really good things about them and I thought it would make a great snack. It's only 100 calories and has a decent amount of fiber and is lower in sugar. 

After doing my running around and helping my mom unload groceries I was hungry for lunch. I didn't want a heavy meal because it's too warm out for something heavy and I had to go to the dentist later on. SO, I used one slice of Udi's gluten free bread, two tablespoons of PB2 and half a banana I made a sandwich. With it I had a cup of cherries and 1/2 cup greek yogurt with KIND Granola. 

Be sure to check back tomorrow because I am beyond excited about the recipe I have to share with you!! I hope you can get out and enjoy the sunshine on this beautiful Thursday afternoon!

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