
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sunny Summer Birthday

I want to start off by saying thank you to everyone who sent me birthday messages and wishes yesterday! Thank you so much, you sure know how to make a girl feel special!!

I wish I could say I did something crazy exciting for my birthday, but I really didn't. Maybe I am getting older and lamer? Yesterday was a beautiful day for the first day of summer. I spent most of the day helping my dad clean our boat to get it launched, I warned you it wasn't exciting! 

After finally launching the boat and getting the trailer back to storage I felt like a smoothie. My dad and I went up to Panera Bread and I got the low fat mango smoothie. I was so disappointed to find out they cut their smoothie menu WAY back. They only offer two smoothies now, talk about disappointing!

Anyway, on to the exciting part. My brother is totally awesome, and even though I told him not to get me anything for my birthday he did. Guess what he got me!?!

That's right, he got me a variety pack of Quest Bars! I told you he was an amazing brother! I've never had a Quest Bar, but everyone I know raves about them, so I'm super pumped to jump on the Quest bar band wagon! I apologize in advance if I post a ton of Quest Bar recipes.

I cannot wait to try all the flavors. I really don't know how I will choose which to try first...decisions, decisions...

Thanks again for making me feel loved on my birthday and I hope you can get out in the sunshine and enjoy the rest of the weekend! 

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