
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Pennsylvania Road Trip Part 1

My Pennsylvania road trip was a success! I won't post everything, because it would probably bore you, but I want to share some highlights. I will break up to post into places to eat, things to do, and other randomness.

I arrived late afternoon on Thursday and hit rush hour traffic, which wasn't pleasant after enduring HOURS of Ohio turnpike construction.

Friday afternoon I ventured out to the grocery store, Giant Eagle, and let me tell you that place is AWESOME!! They have the best salad bar I've ever seen! I piled everything I could into the container and had to press rather hard to get it to close :) This is salad had romaine lettuce and kale topped with red, yellow, and orange bell peppers, mini corns, banana peppers, fennel, red grapes, blueberries, hard boiled egg, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, orange tomatoes (so good!) and I know there's more but I can't remember!

By far the BEST find of the trip was Wild Friends Nut Butters (my favorite!). I can't have the pretzels in the peanut butter (shoutout to my best friend who picks them out and eats them and I eat the peanut butter aka epic teamwork), but the peanut butter is out of this world yummy!! Of course I couldn't leave without my all time favorite vanilla espresso almond butter!!

Friday Sam and Amanda were showing me around the different neighborhoods of Pittsburgh when we happened upon Salud Juicery in Shadyside. It was an adorable cafe of sorts and I would be there all the time if I lived in the area!

Their menu is chalk full of all sorts of delicious juices, smoothies, and AÇAI BOWLS!! I introduced Sam and Amanda to açai bowl- it wasn't as thick or rich as they are in Hawaii, but for a nontropical location it was delicious! The cafe was really cute and cozy. 

They had a really cool wall where you could write something you want to do before you die. I liked reading what other people put, can you guess which one I wrote? Sam came over and immediately said she knew which one was mine- I'm fairly predictable ;) If you're in the Pittsburgh area I highly recommend checking out Salad Juciery. 

After a full day of exploring on Friday Sam and Amanda took me to Trader Joe's!! I know it's weird to get excited about going to a grocery store, but I don't have a Trader Joe's near me so it was fun to explore and see all the delicious things they had. 

Sam and Amanda were so sweet and cooked dinner after shopping and it was majorly yummy!! I finally got to try kale sprouts- SO GOOD. Amanda grilled chicken, it was perfectly cooked, and Sam maned the sautéed zucchini and kale sprouts. Amanda topped the chicken with pesto and I had never had pesto before so I tried it too and she was right, it's really good!

Saturday was beyond HOT, it was flat out miserable. It was one of those days when food just doesn't even sound appealing because it's so hot. The three of us had lunch downtown while out exploring and for dinner I picked up a small salad from Giant Eagle salad bar. The salad had romaine and mixed green lettuces, beets, grapes, blueberries, banana peppers, red bell pepper, a little bit of egg, and a few small chunks of chicken. 

I'm not a snacker, but it was so hot that I needed something cold. I found a new flavor of yoplait greek whips when I was getting my salad so I had to try it. It was really good! It tasted like summer because it was fruity and light, making it the perfect snack to cool down.

Sunday morning I had the usual oats before heading out bright and early to drive home. Pittsburgh definitely has some great restaurants and lots of yummy food, but my favorite part was all the places I got to explore. I can't wait to share more of my adventure with you!!

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