
Thursday, October 11, 2018

What the Fork: Thinking Out Loud #108

Happy Thursday!! It's been a super busy week at work, but I'm very excited because not only is it my weekend I'm leaving on vacation🙌My brother is getting married over the weekend so we're flying out to California to spend a few days with them before and after the wedding. I'll be sharing pictures on my instagram so be sure to follow📸 Anyway, let's jump into this weeks thinking out loud

1. Have you ever seen such a big fork?! Yeah me either. I did a story with a group of local school who competed against each other in a "food fight" to see who could get the most food in one minute out of a super market. All the food goes to the local food bank and the winner gets this massive fork. Naturally I went on camera with the fork and had a blast laughing at myself with this hue fork. One of the stores employees pointed out the fork was almost as big as I was. I'm pretty sure that was a short person joke....and I'm not even short. 

2. I am most definitely not qualified to be a cat person. I watched one of my friends cats while she was gone over the weekend and he was so needy. He wanted to be petted constantly and I can't get over how gross a litter box is. He was cute, but I will definitely be sticking to my crazy dog lady ways.

3. I've got some new recipes to share with you guys! It's been so long since I've shared a recipe, but this one is a good one. It's a granola bar that's packed with tons of deliciousness- almonds, cranberries, chia seeds, and more😋The recipe will be coming your way soon!

4. A lot of kids can't have candy on Halloween because so many of them have food allergies or other reasons why they can't. This week I did a story with a woman who volunteers at a thrift store in town and instead of throwing out the toys the store doesn't sell she takes them, washes, mends, puts a bow on them, and then passes them out on Halloween. She was an incredible woman and I had a blast doing the story with her. It's so nice to see people going out of their way to include all kids in Halloween🎃

5. This💜You do belong, you're important, you're valued, and you're loved! Everyone goes through tough times, but that doesn't mean we no longer have a purpose. There is a reason you are on this planet. Sure everyday won't be great, but you are here and have a God who radically loves you. It blows my mind to even think about how he sees us. He sees us through a lens of love. The opinions of others do not affect how he sees you.

Have a terrific weekend and I'll be sharing some pictures from Cali starting tomorrow🎉🎉🎉

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Puppies and Poems: Thinking Out Loud #107

Happy Thursday! It's more than halfway through the week and it's already felt like the longest week ever. Good news is only one more work week to get through and then I'm off to Cali for my brothers wedding! Anyway before I start rambling let's jump into this weeks thinking out loud!

1. Puppies make everything better🐶Once a week my boyfriend and I go to the shelter to look at and play with dogs that are up for adoption. It helps socialize the dogs and get them adopted quicker, but it also allows us to get our puppy fix. This handsome fella is named Divo. He's a husky mix and 50 pounds of pure fluff. He's was so calm in his kennel, but when we got into a room with him he went crazy. Granted he's only 10 months old, but the fella had us fooled; he's a sweet pup though and I have no doubt he'll find an incredible home. 

2. I had a massive nerd moment the other day. I shared a picture on instagram from when I was home sick and pulled out Atticus' new book The Dark Between Stars, well he liked my photo and I totally geeked out. I'm such a poetry nerd and I feel no shame admitting it. Any other fellow poetry nerds out there?

3. TV reporting is most definitely not glamorous. A lot of people think we get our hair and makeup done for us, which is not true, and we get clothes given to us, also not true. We pay for everything ourselves and trust me we do not make a lot of money. I was outside a local middle school reporting on a really awesome program they have and a bee kept swarming me. He was buzzing me for a solid 5 minutes and I finally hit him with the mic and he flew away. I looked like a crazy lady out there swinging my mic at the bee but I was not about to get stung🐝

4. The program is too awesome not to share about. It's a group of 16 middle schoolers who are known as the Hope Squad. They're trained by their school counselors to be on the lookout for other students who are depressed or potentially thinking about suicide. The kids reach out to them, lend a listening ear, and if needed (if the case of suicidal thoughts) reach out to the counselors to let them know what's going on. It's a fantastic program, the kids were so passionate about it and you could just tell they were making a difference in their school.

5. Example two of reporting not being glamorous. I was covering this incredible female powerlifter and sometimes to get cool shots you have to get down and a dress. I was on the ground on my hands and knees to get the shot I wanted- mind you not a flattering pose- when the gyms manager snapped a photo and shared it all over social media. I got quite the array of comments on my "lovely" pose in the newsroom🤦

6. Oh how I wish we could make people understand this. You are so much more than whatever happened in your past. Your past does not define you. You are strong, you are beautiful, you are loved, and you have the ability to do anything you want to do. I don't promise it will be easy- it might take years to achieve and be a tremendous struggle, but the risk is so worth the reward. Your future and your happiness are worth it. Don't let your past define you. Let it inspire you to work toward a better future.

Happy Thursday and have a terrific weekend🎉🎉🎉