
Thursday, May 30, 2019

Dogs and Weddings: Thinking Out Loud #116

Happy Thursday! I cannot believe I am already NINE days away from getting married🥳The fiancé and I have talked a lot about how fast these past few months have gone, yet the time for the wedding to get here felt like it dragged out- part of that might be we did things a little backwards but that's a story for another day. Anyway I'm so excited that the wedding is so close, but before I get into all of that let's jump into this weeks thinking out loud! 

1. As the wedding as gotten closer the reality of not having my grandparents there to celebrate with me has really sunk in and been hard. I'd give anything to have them there with me but I know they'll all be there in spirit. I wanted to honor them on our special day so I had charms with their photos made. It's a small way to honor them and have them there with me. If you're lucky enough to have your grandparents around for your wedding day don't take a second of it for granted. I'd give anything to have mine with me for that day. I've gotten a few questions about where I got them. I got them off Etsy from Design by Tami. She did an incredible job and got them to me so quickly, I definitely recommend her! 

2. Moving is hard work! Ginger "helped" Brent and I move some things over to his apartment over the weekend before we move down a floor into our new apartment. I cannot wait to give an apartment tour because it's a BRAND NEW apartment and we'll be the first people to ever live in it! We get our keys on Friday and then the fun of moving two apartments begins. Any bets on how long it takes to unpack our stuff?

3. Speaking of Ginger, she's settling into her new life quite fine. She's been with us for over two months already! She loves pets, cuddling, the dog park, food (especially bacon), sheds like crazy despite being brushed every day (look at my shirt), hates baths, and is for the most part a super sweet dog. We got really lucky with her. Brent and I both say we cannot believe how much fun and laughter she has added to our lives since we got her💜

4. Speaking of the dog park, it's been raining non stop here for what feels like forever so dog park trips have been few and far better. Ginger has made her displeasure with that known, but the sun finally peaked out so we hit the dog park. She ran with Brent, swam, got muddy, and had a grand old time. Now it's back to rainy and miserable so we are praying HARD for good weather for our wedding day🙏 

5. My fiancé is the best. His zipper on his lunch box finally gave out and her ordered one off Amazon. Did he order a normal one? Of course not because that would be boring, so he ordered a screaming alpaca lunch box😂I happen to think alpacas are adorable- something he regularly makes fun of- so I think the lunch box was slightly poking fun at that but I don't care because it's hilarious! 

6. If you haven't heard this song I highly recommend you give it a listen. We were going through songs trying to come up with a few for our wedding slideshow. I stumbled on this one and we love it! It's such a sweet song, we've listened to it dozens of times over the past week. 

As this week wraps to a close and we get busy with moving and the wedding I'll be keeping on top of instagram so head there for photos/videos of the new apartment. I cannot wait to share wedding and honeymoon photos with you guys! Have a fantastic weekend and send prayers for sunshine for the wedding our way please🙏