
Thursday, November 30, 2017

Live Shots & Running: Thinking Out Loud #65

Happy Thursday! I am BEYOND glad it's Thursday because it's finally my weekend and after working over a week straight I'm exhausted. My weekend plans include a nice long nap and some time at the gym. This week has been challenging, but also a ton of fun. The unseasonably warm weather had me jumping for joy, but of course now it's cold that I finally have time off. Anyway, let's jump into this weeks thinking out loud.

1. Hands down the best part of being a reporter is all the people I get to meet and all the fun events I get to attend. I reported live from a tree lighting last weekend and the Chick-fil-A cow crashed my live shot along with two elves. It was such a blast and I got to meet viewer who were so sweet. I'm seriously in love with this city because people have been so welcoming. I never saw myself ending up here, but I'm glad work lead me here because in the short time I've been here the community has welcomed me with open arms and I'm just amazed at the kindness. 

2. Another part of my job that I love is every I get to dress up all the time. While some days I really don't feel like dressing up I generally love getting to look nice every day. I'm still looking for a few key pieces though, so if anyone has any suggestions of stores to check out- that aren't outrageously expensive- I'm all ears. 

3. Another really fun event I got to attend was a benefit for a local charity. The organization auctions off professionally decorated Christmas trees and all the proceeds go to the organization. While I wasn't a fan of the unicorns I LOVED all the glitter this tree had. It was so fun and unique that I kind of wanted it. 

4. The unseasonably warm weather has been AMAZING🙌 I got off a little before sunset on Black Friday so I hightailed it home and went for a quick run. I have been slowly getting back to running, but I'm taking it slow and following all the doctors orders. I've only been going short distances and keeping it at 2-3 times a week. Due to my schedule it's mostly been inside since I can't run in the middle of the day, but it's progress and that makes me happy.

5. I got to enjoy this stunning view on my run while the sun was setting. I soaked up every moment of the beauty because life is short and you have to enjoy the little things.

6. Of course I wanted to end on a quote, but this one one is technically. If you haven't heard the song New Years Day from Taylor Swift's new album I highly recommend it. It's a slow song, but it's very sweet and it reminds me of classic Taylor Swift.

Have a great Thursday and a fantastic weekend!!

What has been a good thing that has happened to you in the past week?
What are your thoughts about Prince Harry getting engaged? Do you even care?

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thanksgiving Edition: Thinking Out Loud #64

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you're celebrating with friends and/or family and enjoying a delicious meal. Sadly I won't be having any turkey this year or celebrating with family since I'm halfway across the country working. There's no holidays in news so I'm working today and Christmas Eve and Christmas. I'm a little sad to be working Christmas since it's my favorite holiday, but I wouldn't be able to go home anyway so I'd rather be working. Anyway grab a plate of Thanksgiving fixings and let's jump into this weeks thinking out loud.

1. There's been an initiative in Nebraska to reduce distracted driving so the state has been posting funny signs to remind drivers to keep their eyes on the road. It's slightly confusing to me as I am taking my eyes off the road to read the sign, nonetheless I really don't understand the notion of being a good potato. The newsroom was having a debate over what the sign meant. I also learned that potatoes have eyes, but I have no clue if that's what the sign meant🤔

2. THIS CANDLE SMELLS AMAZING! I swear I do more than just smell candles at Target, I do most of my grocery shopping there, but it's very easy to become distracted in that store. Target is giving Bath and Body Works a run for their money with some of their scents. Plus, Chip and JoAnna Gains line at Target, their candles smell amazing😍

3. Speaking of Target they had these massive stuffed animals in the middle of the aisles. I know it's getting close to Christmas, but seriously where would you store these things? They are really cute and I would have loved a massive stuffed animal as a child, but now I'm a boring adult and think about where the heck one would have room for such a massive toy. I also just really tired of the commercialism of Christmas, but that's a story for another day.

4. Nothing like a new haircut to make you feel good💇 I decided I needed a change so I found a hair stylist and chopped of six inches. It's the shortest I've had it in years but it feels good to have a change. Plus I don't need as much shampoo and it doesn't take as long to dry which is always a plus in my world. The hair stylist spent over half an hour thinning out my hair because it's so thick and wavy naturally. When I was done my head felt so much lighter, it was amazing.

5. Last week was a rough week. Work was rough, I was missing my dog, and the realization that I was going to be alone for the holidays kind of sunk in. I was just feeling off. This year I've worked on not stuffing my emotions and being numb and instead allowing myself to acknowledge my feelings. It's a work in progress, but I was down in the dumps when friends showed up with froyo. I swear people in Nebraska are the nicest. It made my day and it made me feel so much better after talking it out with them. All of us are working Christmas so we decided to have a mini celebration once we're off for the day. It won't be the same as being at home, but it beats being alone during the holidays.

6. My boyfriend didn't appreciate this sign nearly as much as I did, but it's such a true statement. I was picking up some thread and a needle to fix a hole in a pair of pants when I found it. Of course I took a picture and sent it to him. Glitter makes everything better👌

7. I really love this quote. I think it's so beautiful and so well said. You can do absolutly anything you put your mind to. It might take a lot of hard work and years before you can accomplish whatever goal you have, but you can do it. Nothing in life that's worth having is easy. Don't give up. Ever.

Have a very happy Thanksgiving!! Enjoy the holiday and have a fantastic weekend!

How are you celebrating Thanksgiving?
Do you go out shopping on Black Friday?

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Cooking, Candles, & Taylor Swift: Thinking Out Loud #63

Happy Thursday! Technically it's only my weekend, but I am more than happy to have two days off. This past week is one I wouldn't mind forgetting. As much as I love my job not everyday is peaches and rainbows, but it will pass and I get some much needed down time. Anyway, let's jump into this weeks thinking out loud.

1. Yesterday I got to attend a student culinary competition and I had my mind blown. The students were all in high school and I was blown away by some of their creations. They were crafting some amazing decorations for desserts. This fruit sculpture was my favorite creation I saw today, but there was so many amazing pieces it was hard to pick just one favorite. Fingers crossed that next year I can be a taste tester😋

2. This dog will be the death of me. Every time I leave my apartment and she's at the fence and I can't come pet her she gives me the stink face. She's so stinking sweet and her sweet kisses and genuine excitement never fails to make my day. This week has been rough, but even just a few moments petting her after work have my day so much better. Dogs are beyond a doubt the best therapy🐶

3. I rarely watch TV, ironic I know because I'm news reporter, but my parents were into HGTV so I used to watch it sometimes with them. Well Chip and JoAnna Gains launched a line at Target and it's SO CUTE!! Their candles smell amazing and I'm going to pick up a few pieces from the line for Christmas presents. This candle was my favorite and it smelled so good. I definitely recommend checking out the line👌

4. Unless you've lived under a rock you probably know that Taylor Swift released a new album. I've been a fan since the beginning, but this album was definitely different from her previous ones. There's a note in the beginning album that just hit close to home. I've never understood why people constantly feel the need to dig into her personal life, let a gal live her life! Anyway my favorite songs off the album so far are New Year's Day, Call It What You Want, Delicate, and Getaway Car. 

5. These brownie cookies have been a hit in the newsroom. They're super easy to make and don't contain any crazy ingredients, so they're great to whip of the day of if needed. I've made a few batches this past week and have been asked for the recipe multiple times. I know I'll be making them again for the newsroom soon🍪

6. This quote has been stuck in my heart all week and wanted to share it. It's a quote that doesn't need any explanation💜

Have a terrific Thursday and have an amazing weekend!! 

Have you listened to Taylor Swift's new album, if so what are you thoughts/current favorite songs?
What are you looking forward to the most about the holidays?

Monday, November 13, 2017

Brownie Cookies

Happy Monday! This weekend was insane at work, but I enjoy being busy because it makes the day go by quicker and I feel more accomplished when I cover multiple events. 

Anyway, I was in need of a baking fix so I whipped up a batch of brownie cookies. The cookies were quickly devoured at work and everyone loved how they were, "like brownies in cookie form." Reporters have a way with words don't we😜 they're simple to make, only require a few basic ingredients and are a sure hit for any occasion!

Brownie Cookies
  • 1 1/4 cups all purpose flour
  • 3 ounces semi sweet chocolate chips
  • 1 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 2 Tablespoons Hershey's special dark cocoa powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup butter (1 stick)
  • 1 Tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1 egg
In a microwave safe bowl melt butter and three ounces of chocolate chips. Microwave for 30 seconds, stirring, and then microwaving for additional time until everything is melted.

Stir in sugar, cocoa powder, baking soda, salt, egg, and vanilla. 

Slowly add in flour, I mixed in 1/2 cup at a time. 

Finally, mix in chocolate chips.

Chill dough for 20-30 minutes.

While dough is cooling line a baking sheet with tin foil or spray with nonstick cook spray. 

After dough has chilled scoop dough in small amounts, roughly a tablespoon or two, onto baking sheet.

Bake at 350F degrees for 8-12 minutes. The cookies are done when the tops are no longer shiny. 

Allow cookies to cool completely before removing from baking sheet.

If you make them take a picture and tag me on instagram and use the hashtag #thesimplelife so I can see your creations!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Emojis and Network News: Thinking Out Loud #62

Happy Thursday! Honestly this week has been pretty ho hum, which I'm more than fine with because normally I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off. It also makes for a not so interesting week to share with you guys🤷 Anyway let's jump into this weeks thinking out loud.

1. I got to go to the Nebraska state capitol for the first time and holy smokes it's amazing! The inside is stunning with so much intricate tile work and artwork displayed, I was pretty blown away. Needless to say I was so not expecting, but it was a good surprise. 

2. Even though this is semi old I realized I never shared it and I was pretty excited about it. I did a story about local babies in the NICU at an area hospital who got Halloween costumes, which were pretty darn cute. I filmed a number of babies in the costumes, well the next morning the newsroom got a call and it was from network and they wanted my package. I was pretty excited about it, but really how can you not want to share adorable babies in halloween costumes?

3. Yesterday I got to play with an adorable dog after I interviewed a woman. The dog was so sweet, she was a total cuddle bug and before I put my gear away she climbed in the camera bag. I totally would have taken her back with me, but my boss might not have been too happy about a dog coming back with me. 

4. On a less fun note, I had to get a new phone because mine was dying. I had to fork over a ton of money to get a new iPhone because that's the only way I could get money for my old iPhone (rip phone). I ended up with the iPhone X and honestly the thing kind of terrifies me. The first thing I did was get a case because I've dropped my phone more than I care to admit, but I don't want to pay for a replacement phone. I can only imagine how much that would cost😳 On the plus side I got to play with the new animojis and they're totally hilarious and very amusing. However, animojis are not worth $1,200.

5. This quote has really resonated with me this week. Success, no matter what industry, does not happen overnight. It takes time to be successful and requires hard work day in and day out. Hard work shouldn't be feared though because it will pay off. You might not see the pay off immediately, but be patient it will happen.

Have a great Thursday and a great weekend everyone🎉🎉🎉

What are your weekend plans?
How do you like to relax after a long day?

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Puppies and Book Paradise: Thinking Out Loud #61

Happy Thursday and happy Novemeber! I hope you had a great Halloween👻 at the station people could bring their kids in to go trick or treating so it was pretty cute to see all the little kids in their costumes. I didn't dress up or go out I was too busy working, but I'm not much of a Halloween person anyway. I have already started seeing Christmas advertisements and it's MUCH too early for that. After Thanksgiving I'm ok with, prior to that I am not. Anyway, let's jump into this weeks thinking out loud and I promise there's cute puppies!

1. PUPPIES! I got to play with puppies as part of my job over the weekend. I was technically there covering a Halloween event where owners could bring their pets dressed up in costumes. How can your heart not melt when you see this adorable puppy who had a bit too much fun passed out on the pavement? I got tons of puppy kisses and I wanted to take all the dogs home with me. Dogs are seriously the best and any kind of cute events I get to cover with dogs I'm all about🐶

2. While I was covering a store opening a little boy came up to me, tugged on my pants and said, "I watch you on the news." My heart instantly melted, plus he was the cutest little boy. Even though I had to wake up ridiculously early to be at the opening when he came up to me it made my day. I let him talk on camera and he had to say hi to his mom. That part didn't make it on air, but it made my day knowing he was happy. 

3. I'm not a chip person at all. I never have been, but I made chicken tortilla soup over my weekend and I wanted something for the tortilla part. I've seen people rave about siete chips before, so I figured I'd give them a try. They're so good! They're not ridiculously salty and they're perfect in chicken tortilla soup👌 

4. Even though I'm in the minority out here of not being a college football fan, I had a pretty cool experience reporting on the huskers. I was assigned to cover a fantasy camp the team was holding and part of the experience was a tour of the facility, heading out on the field, and a behind the scenes look. It was pretty sweet to run out of the tunnel and onto the field. I got to talk to former Heismen Trophy winners to so all in all it was a pretty sweet experience. 

5. Major nerd moment! I was covering a book sale benefiting the city libraries and it was like walking into bookworm paradise. The sale was in a warehouse and it was just endless rows of book😍 hardcovers books were $1 and paperbacks started at 50 cents! I could have spent so much money in there and not to mention time. Good thing I didn't have my wallet on me because I most definitely would have gone home with lots of books.

6. This quote is spot on. It's easy to reciprocate being mean when someone is mean to you, but it takes a lot of grace to be calm and kind in not so nice situations. Be kind, the world could use a lot more kindness. 

Have a great Thursday and a fantastic weekend, and don't forget to check out the recipe for crockpot turkey vegetable soup I posted! 

Did you do anything fun for Halloween or dress up?

What are you looking forward to the most about the upcoming holiday season?