
Thursday, January 11, 2018

Giving Back and Snow Storms: Thinking Out Loud #71

Happy Thursday!! Good grief is it snowing and I do not like it one bit. It was over 50 degrees yesterday and I was able to wear a dress to work, but now not so much. I guess on the bright side it's my weekend so at least I don't have to report out in the snow. However, I'm not looking forward to having to get out on the roads to go grocery shopping. Fingers crossed all the snow will melt by the time I'm back at work on Saturday, but I'm guessing I won't be that lucky. Anyway, let's jump into this weeks thinking out loud.

1. One of the stories I did this week was about a local candle company named Feya Candles. The concept of the company is really awesome because for every candle purchased they donate a meal to a child in need in the local community. Sarah, the founder, was so sweet and I had a great time talking to her. They're donating 10,000 meals to kick off the new year so I was there talking to her about that. The candles smelt AMAZING and I will definitely be gifting these candles instead of Bath and Body Works ones to friends and family. Nothing beats a candle that smells great and helps a child in need! *I'm in no way paid or compensated for sharing about Feya. I genuinely love the company and their mission so I wanted to share it with everyone.*

2. The cold temperatures are still sticking around and I'm getting a little stir crazy running on the treadmill. Running in the cold is really hard for me. Since lupus affects my joints, the cold makes my joints super painful and stiff so it's just not good for me to be out there. I've been making the most (or attempting to) of my time on it. I'm thankful to be back running so that's what I keep in mind. For those who have emailed me questions about the Tabio socks, yes I really do wear them and as often as I can (laundry permitting). I have found the arch support to be really amazing and my feet no longer hurt after running. I'm really excited to test them out with longer distances- once I get back to running them that is. I did announce the winner of the free pair of socks on my instagram and I'm super excited for her to get them and test them out for herself!  

3. It's been in the mid 40's to low 50's for part of the week and it's felt amazing. I've missed the sunshine and milder temps- I am so NOT cut out for the cold! The snow mostly melted and I saw so many puppies out and about. This cutie made me smile because she was so stinking happy sticking her head out the window. Sadly a massive snowstorm is forecasted for today and I am not happy about it😩 I was hoping it would be a very early spring but I guess that's just not the case. I'm keeping my fingers crossed the forecast is wrong because I am not prepared for half a foot of snow. 

4. Dogs are the best therapy. I've it before and I'll say it a million times more. It was kind of a rotten week at work (just a lot going on) and this cutie never fails to greet me before and after work. She comes running off the neighbors deck and wags her tail so stinking hard and gives me endless kisses. She's the sweetest and I want to take her home with me. 

5. When I came across this quote it hit me like a ton of bricks. Yesterday was a really bad day and before I went to bed I was still frustrated about how the day had turned out. Once again this came up and it made me take a step back. Was the day really as bad as I was making it out to be or was it a really awful few hours that I just wouldn't let go? I keep this quote in my phone as a reminder to let go quickly. 

Have a terrific Thursday and a great weekend! Be careful if you're getting this crazy snow too⛄

When you're having a really bad day what is something you do to help change your frame of mind?When you're stuck inside due to weather what do you like to do?

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