
Thursday, January 4, 2018

Chilly Days & Puppies: Thinking Out Loud #70

Happy Thursday and Happy New Year! I hope you had a good new years celebration, but not too much fun😉 Is anyone else still writing 2017 and then having to cross it out and write 2018?! It's the same struggle every year🙈 I'm hoping the New Year will bring warmer temps too because it's so cold. It was snowing in Florida yesterday which I can only imagine how they're handling that- or not handling it...regardless I'm ready for warmer temps and sunshine. Before I really start babbling let's jump into this weeks thinking out loud

1. I can't get over the cuteness of this face😍 this sweetheart lives across from me and she has me totally roped in. I always go over and pet her whenever she's outside, so now she greets me at the fence whenever I get home from work or the store or wherever I may be coming from. She brings me sticks to throw and she wags her tail so hard her entire body shakes, it's so stinking cute. She never fails to put me in a good mood no matter how rough of a day I've had. Dogs are the best therapy and I want to steal her😬

2. The giveaway to win a pair of Tabio running socks is still open! It runs through tonight at 11:59PM. All you have to do to enter is head over to my instagram, click this picture, follow me, and tag a friend! It's super easy and trust me you want a pair of these socks, they're AMAZING running socks! I have a full review of them here

3. I had New Year's Eve and New Year's Day off work since I worked all the other holidays (and a massive amount of overtime on them). A bunch of friends from work got together to ring in the New Year. We played Cards Against Humanity and Watch Your Mouth which I had never played before and it was HILARIOUS😂 We were all up so late just laughing and having fun, I didn't crawl in bed until 3:30 which is normally when I'm getting up. It was absolutly worth it though👌

4. It's been so COLD🙆 The windchill has been -20 to -35 below almost all week. I've been dying. It's been colder in NE than it has been in Alaska or Antartica, which just blows my mind. I am so not built for cold and I keep praying that spring is right around the corner. 

5. A potato truck overturned on the highway yesterday causing a massive mess, but holy smokes there were so many funny puns are a result😂 I'm just curious as to how one would even go about cleaning up so many potatoes. It's not like you can take a giant broom and just sweep them off the road. I wonder what it feels like the drive on potatoes🤔 so many questions...

6. I think I've shared this before, but I love it and it's worth sharing again. So many of these things seem so basic, but are so hard. How often do we sweat the small stuff that at the end of the day doesn't even end up mattering? Probably more than we'd like to admit. While I don't totally buy into making new years resolutions I do set goals for myself every year and my main goal for this year is to live simply. Worry less, love more, and just enjoy life. Life's too short to not be enjoyed.

Have a great Thursday and a fantastic weekend🎉🎉🎉

What are some goals you have for the New Year?

What are you looking forward to the most in the New year?


  1. I also want to pet the dog... and your socks! Lol they look awesome

  2. Amen. Worry less. Love more. I want to worry less and pray more this year. And boy wow that potato truck clean up must've been pretty lengthy O_o It sounds like your life is never boring.

    I am AMAZED at how cold it's been from Nebraska over to the East Coast. It's been so warm in Colorado; I wish I could box up some sunshine.

    One of my goals is to invest more intentionally in friends this year, to find the places where God wants me to invest and do that.

    That dog is so cute; I can see why she lights up your day!
