
Monday, January 1, 2018

Tabio Sock Review and GIVEAWAY

Happy New Year! I hope you had a fun time celebrating (but not too much fun). With the start of a new year a lot of people set fitness goals. I love setting new goals for myself whether it's to lift more or run further or faster. Goals give me a reason to push myself, so I'm very excited to see other people start crushing fitness goals this year.

In the past few two months I've been able to start running more frequently and slightly longer distances. I'm still under the guidance of an orthopedic specialist because he doesn't want me to re-tear my meniscus and be sidelined again for even longer or need surgery. It's been frustrating because running 12 miles used to feel like nothing and there's days where doing 3 is a struggle now. I know it's a process, but I'm also running pain free for the first time in awhile and it's amazing. 

Anyway, I was given the opportunity to try Tabio socks. Tabio socks are designed specifically for running so immediately my interest was piqued. I'm incredibly picky when it comes to socks because I want something breathable and that won't slide down while I'm running. 

I got the Tabio signature run socks to try. They're made of a thicker mesh material with grips so you don't skid in your shoes while running. For me the coolest thing about the socks was the built in arch support. It sounds crazy, but it actually works. I use orthotics in my shoes because naturally I don't have an arch in my foot. Initially the socks felt odd to me and I was hesitant to run in them. It did take some getting used since the socks have the built in arch support and don't feel like your typical socks, but they were awesome for running.

My foot never moved in my shoes, everything felt supported and nothing ached once I was done. The socks really do offer great support. I spent a month running in these socks before sitting to write this review because I wanted to be as honest and critical as I possibly could. I do have two small complaints with the socks. The first thing is my feet did a bit hot while running, so I thought the mesh could have been more breathable. I didn't get unbearably hot by any means, but slightly more breathable would have been nice. Two, the price is a little steep. It's $25 for one pair of socks. I get that a lot of time was spent researching and developing these socks, but $25 per pair is a LOT. Let alone most people will want more than one pair, so you're looking at $50+. Tabio does offer free shipping and the socks come in 8 colors, but still the price is a little steep for socks. 

Overall, I really do love the socks. I will be using them on my long runs once I get back into the swing of things, but for now I'm using them for everyday running. 

The good news is I've got a pair of Tabio socks to giveaway to one of you guys! All you need to do is head over to my instagram page, follow me, click on the picture with the Tabio socks, and tag a friend. The contest ends Thursday January 4 at 11:59pm and the winner will be announced on Friday. Good luck to everyone! 


  1. I LOVE my Tabio socks! So glad to see you rockin' them as well!

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