Sunday, August 2, 2015

Pet Summertime Safety: Beat the Heat

I always prefer the warm weather to cold and snow, but it has been HOT lightly! Living on a lake makes it easy to cool off, but cooling off for pets is a lot harder. I have teamed up with PetSmart to give some tips on how to keep your pup cool and beat the heat as a pet parent! 

1. Water, water, WATER! Just like it's important for humans to stay hydrated it's just as important for pets to stay hydrated. You also want to make sure the water source your pet is drinking from is clean. Cora drinks a LOT of lake water, which probably isn't the cleanest source of water, but I always have her water dish outside with fresh, clean, and cold water in it so she can get a drink whenever she wants. 

2. A great way to get your pet to drink more water and burn off some energy is by making frozen treats. I've seen people take a clean bucket fill it with water and plop in some toys and veggies, freeze it, then give it to the dog. (Check it out here). The dog has to lick, lick, lick to get the goodies in the ice, which keeps them hydrated and occupied for a long time. You can also make other frozen goodies by using a Kong toy as a mold- trust me Cora loves this and it keeps her busy for a long time, and a busy Cora is one less likely to get in trouble!

3. When it gets really hot its a good idea to keep your pet inside in air conditioning. Animals don't have the same ability to sweat as humans so they overheat much faster, which is also why you should NEVER EVER leave your pet in a hot car. Even in air conditioning make sure your pet has plenty of water to drink.

4. Don't walk your dog when it's hot out. Pavement gets very hot very quickly and in the same way it hurts your feet to walk on it barefoot, it hurts a dogs pawpads to walk on hot pavement. A dogs paws can easily be burned on hot pavement, so if you're going to walk your dog do it early in the morning before it gets warm out or later at night after the heat of the day.

5. Taking your dog to the pool or lake is another great way to get them some exercise, but also help them cool off. Check out some pet water safety tips here. Cora loves swimming and playing in the water, it's nearly impossible to get her out of the lake!

However you chose to keep cool, your pet will thank you for keeping them cool in the summer heat! Post pictures of how you and your pet stay cool in the summer heat and use the hashtag #NewPetPartner so I can see and feel free to tag me on instagram

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