Friday, January 22, 2016

What A Week

In a lot of ways it seems like this week has gone on forever, but in other ways I can't believe it's already Friday. If you've been following along on my instagram you may have seen that I spent most of this week in the hospital. So, in light of the recent circumstances I figured I'd do a short recap to let everyone know where I'm at. 

Monday morning I had sinus surgery and was released the same day. I was uncomfortable, but doing ok. Tuesday morning I did not feel good at all, granted I did not get any sleep that night. Around 4:30AM my mom gave me two Tylenol 3 to help with pain- those who know me know I never take pain killers. I'd rather deal with the pain because I don't ever want to be dependent on a drug, but I took the pills because it was so bad. Not even 30 minutes later I was in horrific pain, sweating profusely, and struggling to catch my breath. My mom rushed me to the ER only to find it was closed for renovation. At that point I was really having trouble breathing and was ghostly pale, my mom was terrified and called 911. 

The ambulance arrived and rushed me to the ER where I saw a horrible doctor (that's a whole separate story). Finally, I was given some very strong pain meds in an IV and a different doctor ran some blood work on me. The doctor thought I had pancreatitis because my levels were so high and my liver levels were through the roof. It was decided that I should be admitted to the hospital, so I got another ambulance ride to the hospital. 

I was admitted to the hospital and tons of tests were run. I had x-rays, an ultrasound, an MRI, tons of blood work, and some other tests done. I was running a fever, I was in the worst pain of my life, and I wasn't allowed to eat or drink because of the pancreatitis. Finally Wednesday night after the last MRI I was allowed to drink water. The doctor also let me have some jello and clear liquids, but my body couldn't handle the food. 

Thursday morning the doctor wanted me to try soft foods again so I got cream of rice and some dairy free yogurt to try. On a side note I was surprised at how little selection the hospital had of allergy friendly foods. Cream of rice was the only breakfast option I had and it was not my favorite, but it was food so I wasn't about to complain. Thankfully I was able to handle the food and my labs were headed in the right direction so the doctor felt I was ok to go home. I was discharged later, but the doctor has placed me on a restrictive diet for a few days. Basically I'm only allowed to eat soft foods like oatmeal, eggs, pears, etc. 

Being stuck in the hospital and being forced to rest gave me a new appreciation for how the body works. The body has an amazing capacity to heal, but it's so delicate that you have to take care of it because you only get one. God created the body so beautifully and so intricately and it always blows my mind. I also got to witness some of God's beauty Thursday morning when I watched the sunrise from my hospital room (see picture at top). It was such a gorgeous sunrise and wonderful reminder that God is sovereign over all, even when things don't make sense, like why this whole episode happened.

It's definitely an answer to prayer to be at home resting. The doctors and nurses were excellent and I'm so thankful that they took such good care of me. Sadly, the pain medicine I was on made me really sleepy and disoriented so I don't remember a lot from the first two days in the hospital (hence why I NEVER take pain meds). I do want to say a special thank you to everyone who reached out to me this week with prayers and words of encouragement. All the prayers and kind words have meant so much to me and I'm incredibly thankful for each and every one of you! I know I say it a lot, but I'll say it again- I'm so blessed to have the most supportive and amazing group of friends and family! This past week would have been far more difficult without the support I had to get through it.

I hope to get back in the kitchen cooking and baking soon, but I have to follow doctors orders for the time being. Again, from the bottom of my heart thank you for all the prayers and kind words <3

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