Thursday, October 12, 2017

Leaky Apartments and Puppy Withdrawals: Thinking Out Loud #58

Happy Thursday! This week has been flying by and I'm totally ok with that because I am more than ready for the weekend. I got switched to reporting nightside this week and while I still love my job, I am not a night person. I've also been dealing with a mini apartment crisis, so it's made for a long week. The end is in sight though and it's supposed to be a beautiful weekend so I look forward to spending some time outside soaking up some vitamin D😎 Anyway, let's jump into this weeks thinking out loud.

1. Being a reporter is a ton of fun, but it's also a ton of work. Most people don't realize how much work goes into producing a newscast, finding stories, putting stories together, keeping the website update, etc. I mainly focus on finding stories, interviewing, and putting stories together. I lover that everyday is something different with my job and I'm never stuck in the office all day. I have never been a sit still person and reporting allows me to get out of the office, into the community, and share stories that matter. It's a lot of work, but it's a lot of fun too. My dad always told me to choose a career that I loved so I would never work a day in my life.

2. Another bonus of being a reporter is getting to dress up everyday. I love getting to pick out something cute to wear everyday and while some days I do feel like just bumming it once I get ready and get dressed I feel much better. A good outfit can change an entire attitude👌 It's also a good excuse to have a lot of clothes since I can't wear the same thing to work everyday. My boyfriend says I have too many clothes, but really it's mostly work clothes and gym clothes and I don't think you can ever have too many of either. 

3. Getting out into the community to share stories is a lot of fun because I get to see a lot of really cool buildings. Earlier this week I was at a meeting in downtown Lincoln and got to go into this building with these amazing light fixtures. I was fascinated by them and I'd kind of like to steal one for my apartment😬

4. Speaking of my apartment some tears were shed this past weekend. I came home late from work Friday night utterly exhausted from a not so great day (thank you technical difficulties) to find it raining IN my apartment. It's supposed to rain outside not inside. It was almost 9PM so I called emergency maintenance and then had to wait around for them to show up over an hour later. The guy said there wasn't anything he could do and he would have to wait for the main maintenance people to take a look during the week. So it rained in my apartment all weekend and then my clothes got locked in the washing machine Saturday morning as the washing machine broke down. I flat out ugly cried at that point. I was exhausted and nothing was going right. Thankfully the washing machine was fixed, my clothes were ok, but I still have a leaking ceiling because the drywall has to dry out before the maintenance people will fix anything and it's been raining all week😑 thankfully, friends drove across town on Saturday to take me to get froyo. They've known me less than a month, but dropped their Saturday plans to surprise me and cheer me up. I was blown away and so incredibly thankful.

5. On a brighter note, my parents have been keeping me updated on Cora. I Facetimed with her over the weekend, yes I'm THAT dog mom. While she was a royal pain in the butt I miss having her around. She never failed to make me laugh, I got endless puppy kisses and she was genuinely the happiest and nuttiest dog. My next door neighbor has a german shepard so I've been playing with and petting him and he even came over for a visit on Saturday to give me some much needed puppy kisses.

6. This quote has been in my mind for the past few weeks, especially in light of the massacre in Las Vegas. One of my favorite parts about reporting is I get to interact with so many amazing people from all walks of life. I will never understand how someone can have so much hate inside them that they'd want to harm another person, or a whole group of people. Step outside your comfort zone, travel, interact with people normally you wouldn't and I promise you your life will be richer because of it. Some of the best friends I have are people who come from very different backgrounds than myself and guess what? It doesn't matter. Where we come from doesn't bind us together, the friendship we have does. Open your mind to the people and places around you and watch how much will be added to your life. Love is so much stronger than hate. 

Have a terrific Thursday and a great weekend🎉🎉🎉

What are your plans for the weekend?
What is your dream job and why?


  1. I also like being a teacher because I'm not stuck in an office!

  2. One year we did a conference where we had a TON of reporters come; it gave me a new appreciation for how much work reporters do and how much you really have to put yourself out there.

    I'm totally on puppy withdrawals after not seeing my puppy for 5 weeks. :'( Happy nutty dogs are just the best. Cora reminds me of our husky, Balta (she's a girl husky that's CRAZY!)

  3. Ugh, I hate when it rains in my house. Hope they got it all figured out!! Total bonus on the Froyo and new friends. :)
