Thursday, August 8, 2019

Healthy Pasta and Keeping Quiet: Thinking Out Loud #120

Happy Thursday and Happy August! Thank you so much for all the sweet emails, comments, and messages about our wedding post, I've loved reading them all! We just got our wedding video and we've watched it about a million times already 😊There's been a lot happening these past two weeks, but things are finally calming down, and now my parents are in town for a long weekend, so I'm sure we'll be hitting up a few fun spots in Lincoln! Anyway before I start blabbing away here is this weeks thinking out loud

1. After a week of violence and hate my heart has been so heavy with hurt and grief. I cannot begin to understand the tragedy that two communities in the U.S. are facing. As a reporter it's imperative to remain bias, but in these situations it's hard. We're human after all. Yesterday morning I woke to the most stunning sunrise and double rainbow I have ever seen. It looked like the sky was on fire. I sat there in awe, soaking it in and the truth of God's promise. He will never leave us nor forsake us. Not in good times, not in times of tragedy. 

2. Those who know me know that sleeping is a massive struggle for me. It sounds ridiculous, but insomnia is a huge part of lupus. Many nights I'm lucky to snag a few hours of sleep, and usually it's pretty broken sleep. The past few weeks have been really rough and there's been a lot of nights I haven't slept at all. My hubs is a saint and will lay awake with me for hours doing anything and everything trying to get me to sleep. Monday night into Tuesday was a night of no sleep. I was so exhausted, it was a rough day at work, but I came home to the sweetest surprise from my hubs. Bubbl'r is my FAVORITE drink (caffeine but no caffeine crash πŸ™Œ) and I'm a sucker for sour patch kids. I wish every girl could know that there is a man out there who will genuinely care for YOU. He'll surprise you with flowers and junk food on rough days and lay awake with you at night when you can't sleep. Don't ever settle for less. 

3. Since we got married our weekends have slowed down a LOT! It's been wonderful to have time to just hang out together without having to do something for the wedding. It's given me a chance to be a tourist in our city too because it's the first time I've had weekends off that we're able to go explore. While walking around the Haymarket last weekend we found 402 Creamery. It's a locally owned ice cream shop that makes handmade small batches of ice cream. The best part is the have gluten and dairy free ice cream 🍦 The staff was super friendly, the ice cream was delicious, it's a must if you stop in Lincoln!

4. The biggest victory for this week has been making a not so healthy food healthy and the husband LOVED it! I made Alfredo sauce with almond milk and chicken broth (and a few other things) and it was so good. I have a post with the recipe that I will share tomorrow! The hubs asked to have it again next week so I'll take that as a victory!

5. Maybe I'm a little biased but I happen to think my hubby is the best 😊 I was gifted one of those letter boards and now he leaves me the sweetest messages on it. We've also left some funny and some not so PG messages on it but it's been a fun way to surprise one another when we get home. It also goes perfectly in the guest bathroom so now it looks like I have one room of the house decorated, it just so happens to be the bathroom πŸ˜‚

6. Anyone else working on keeping their pie hole closed more often? πŸ™‹‍♀️ Lordy knows I sure do need to keep mine closed more often. Half the time something comes out before I have time to think about it. I've been keeping this verse on my phone this week as a reminder to keep my trap shut. 

Ginger is demanding pets and food so I'll leave it at that, have a great weekend πŸŽ‰ 


  1. Replies
    1. It's become one of the husbands favorite things for dinner! I'm sharing the recipe tomorrow :)
