Thursday, February 22, 2018

Puppy Kisses & Live Shots: Thinking Out Loud #77

Happy Thursday! Maybe it's me but this week has flown. It's been such a busy news week, which definitely made the days fly by. There's been a lot of puppies this week, which makes any day a GREAT day in my mind. The human society also brought some adorable kittens onto our midday show which was fun, so basically any time there's animals around it's a good day🙌 Let's jump into this weeks thinking out loud so you can see some cuties for yourself.

1. Probably one of the least attractive pictures of me ever, but I got sent to a motorcycle show and found a dog😬 it's the most Rachael move ever. My coworkers all joke that I'm on the dog beat because I find all sorts of dog stories and report on them. This girl was just a baby, she had just turned one, and was a total sweetheart. She kept licking me and I might have thought about taking her home with me...

2. I seriously have the best cameraman/best friend in the world. We were stuck on a fire for several hours and I was STARVING. He knows I'm not the most pleasant person in the world when I get hangry so he went and got my trail mix. Literally the best, not to mention he makes live shots in the freezing cold WAY better. 

3. My coworkers are so sweet. For Valentine's Day one of the morning anchors scattered heart confetti all over the office. It was so nice to come in to a festive office and feel the love. I also got a gorgeous bouquet of flowers delivered to me, which was so sweet. I love my work family💜

4. I shared this picture on my work twitter account, but I think it's worth sharing again. The drivers of BOTH cars involved in this accident walked away without a scratch because they were both wearing their seatbelt. It's an important reminder to ALWAYS wear your seatbelt. I don't want to seem preachy, but seatbelts save lives.

5. This cutie just makes my heart explode with love. It's been a rough week of reporting on several fires and standing out in the freezing cold for hours on end. She's been waiting for me every night when I've come home, no matter how late, and has given me loads of kisses. I wish I could take her home with me because she really is just the sweetest dog, she does have a ton of energy, but her craziness never fails to make me laugh. I can only imagine the amount of chaos her and Cora would cause😳

6. This quote has been so relevant to me this week. It's been so cold and snowy and just gray in NE. I'm missing the sun and I'm really missing the ocean this week. Between work being so hectic and the crummy weather I'm more than ready for a beach vacation🌴🌺

Have a great Thursday and a terrific weekend!!

How do you beat the winter blues?

What is one thing you're thankful for this week?


  1. You find all the dogs and I find all the cats! haha!

    I'm glad your cameraman has learned the important stuff - make sure Rachel has snacks. :) Pretty smart, actually.

  2. Seatbelts are so important! Thanks for the PSA!

  3. THAT dog; I LOVE that you have a sweet dog there that greets you when you come back; it's amazing how puppy kisses can make EVERYTHING better. :) <3 And I think the picture of you with the dog at the top is adorable Rachel.
