Thursday, July 19, 2018

Fat Cats and Flowers: Thinking Out Loud #98

Happy Thursday! I'm so glad it's my weekend because holy smokes I was exhausted yesterday. I could barely keep my eyes open at work. All I plan on doing this weekend besides cleaning my apartment is taking a nap (or two or five)😴The weather is finally a bit cooler and it's amazing! It's been so hot for so long that the low to mid 80's is sweet relief. Now if only the humidity would go down so I could stop having an afro for hair. Anyway, let's jump into this weeks thinking out loud

1. I have the sweetest boyfriend in the entire world. Everyone has rough days, that's part of life, but I came home to find beautiful flowers and the sweetest note. I can't even begin to express how blessed I am to have him in my life. He goes so far above and beyond it blows me away. I'm not into fancy dinners or constant gifts, or or anything, but the fact he took the time to sneak flowers into my apartment so I could see them when I got home just makes my heart burst with love. I'm blessed beyond measure💜

2. I'm sorry I had to share one more because they're beautiful. I love sunflowers and I instantly smile every time I walk into my apartment. One of my best friends told me that a man who surprises a woman with flowers for no reason is one worth keeping, she's definitely right🌸

3. Y'all know I love animals, but holy smokes this is one fat cat! Occasionally we go to the human society to look at and play with the puppies (a very dangerous thing to do), but this time we looked at the cats too. Neither of us are massive cat people, we like them, but prefer dogs, but this cat was so fat and adorable. He definitely needs to go on a diet, but that sleeping face is hard to resist🐱

4. The best part about my job is every day is something different. I get to meet really cool people and share amazing stories. This week I got to share a story that was special to me. Seven local veterans were given the opportunity to fly in this restored 1940's war plane. Many of the veterans had been pilots during World War II or Vietnam. Some of them hadn't been back in a plane since. Seeing the emotions of the veterans as they got back in a plane and got to experience flying again was so incredible. I have so much respect for veterans, especially since both my grandfathers served in World War II. 

5. I don't have anything to say because this says it all. You are loved, you are worthy, you have a purpose. Don't ever forget that. Don't ever let anyone tell you any different. 

Have a terrific Thursday and an amazing weekend🎉🎉🎉

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