Thursday, August 16, 2018

Cute Puppies & Big Fruit: Thinking Out Loud #102

Happy Thursday! What a week it has been. There's been a lot of hours logged at work thanks to some major events happening in the state, but I've gotten to pet some dogs and work with two of my best friends. Overall it's been a solid week but I'm VERY thankful it's my weekend🙌I plan on taking some naps, working out, and taking some more naps😴 Anyway, let's jump into this weeks thinking out loud

1. Monday was the first day of school for kids here. I went into work early to cover kids going back, get their reactions about being back at school, and to talk to parents about having their lives back now that the kiddos are back in school😉Little did I know there would be an angelic dog at the elementary school I was getting video at. This pup is a therapy dog of one of the teachers at the school. The kids all loved her and the younger kids who were crying because they didn't want to leave mom and dad got walked to their classroom by this adorable pup. I wish my school would have had a therapy dog🐶

2. Have you seen the @i_weigh movement on instagram? One of my best friends at the station showed it to me and challenged all the girls at the station to participate in it. All you do is take a picture of yourself, put characteristics about yourself around you, and tag @i_weigh on instagram. It's all about inspiring positivity about yourself. There's a lack of self-love and it's a great way to realize how amazing you are!

3. Let's talk about jackfruit. I've heard about all the incredible benefits of jackfruit, but I've never actually had it. I do think it's ridiculous to buy this monster in the store, especially when it's sold by the pound and it weighs a solid 25-30 pounds. Really what are you supposed to do with that thing?! Someone please explain because to me all it looks like is if you dropped it you'd break your foot or whatever it landed on. 

4. For everyone who thinks reporting is super glamorous let me present you exhibit A. Everyone had to be at work early to report on a prisoner execution, it poured all day long, the humidity was 100% (aka HORRIFIC hair day), the wind kept catching my dress just right making me look pregnant, I had to stand on a curb to look taller, and the exhaustion was so real. On the bright side it was a hectic day with tons of breaking news, which I love, and I got to do team coverage with two of my best friends at the station. Despite th long day and all that went wrong it was actually a lot of fun. 

5.  I read this yesterday and thought it was so incredibly beautiful. Poetry is my favorite💜

Have a terrific Thursday and a great weekend everyone🎉🎉🎉

What is something you love about yourself? 

How do you relax after a long day?

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