Thursday, May 24, 2018

Live Shots & Royal Wedding: Thinking Out Loud #90

Happy Thursday! It's been a whirlwind of a week and although I've been more than a little sleep deprived it's been a really good week. Life has a funny way of working out exactly how it's supposed to. This week I've seen that demonstrated multiple times and it's made me thankful things in the past haven't worked out because I wouldn't be where I am today. Anyway, before I turn way philosophical let's jump into this weeks thinking out loud

1. It's a good thing my photographer is my best friend because I would have NEVER gone down this embankment had it been anyone else. The hill was super steep but he said the live shot would look a lot better if I was down where the incident happened (no worries everyone is ok), but the bushes were moving and I didn't know if I'd be able to get back up. He made sure I was ok and I was able to get back up the embankment. The things I do in a dress no less for my job😂

2. THAT FACE AND THOSE EARS! I went to a dog show where I got to meet this fella. It was love at first sight, literally how could it not be with those eyes and ears😍I was really a goner when he cocked his head at me. Whenever a dog cocks their head I'm such a goner, I can't help it it's the cutest thing ever. 

3. Speaking of cute pups I can't not show a picture of Cora. My dad sent this to me on Sunday because after playing with the pups at the dog show I was really missing her. A few days ago was also national rescue day, so I really couldn't resist sharing because I adopted her from a shelter back in Michigan. I'm a firm believer in adopt don't shop. Besides, rescue dogs are the best. Many of the pups have been through heck and back, but they have nothing but love to offer. 

4. Did anyone watch the royal wedding? It was my early day at work so I was running on the treadmill before heading in. Normally I watch whatever movie is on TV, but everything was the wedding so I watched wedding coverage. I'm not obsessed with the royals so I didn't care that much. However, I did want to see Meghan's dress. It was a little plain for my taste, but her veil was stunning! Also this picture from the rehearsal cracked me up because the reporter by Harry, her expression is just hilarious😂

5. Thank goodness election night is OVER! I am not about political reporting. It's not my area of interest, but sometimes the job requires it but election night is just another level. Waiting around for candidate speeches and waiting for the polls to close isn't the most thrilling thing. Let alone hanging around an empty victory party until late at night, isn't exactly my idea of a good time. However, I did get free Panera out of the night so I was a happy camper.

6. Yesterday I was driving out to do a story that was really special to me. A long time fire battalion chief retired this week. He was always on the fires I was at and he'd joke around with me. Overall he was just a fantastic person who I have a ton of respect for. I was driving out to his home and it was a picture perfect day. It hit me that I actually like Nebraska. Never in ten million years did I think I would end up here, let alone like it here but here I am. I really do believe God puts you in the places you're supposed to be. For me that's Nebraska and I really could not be happier I ended up here.

7. This is so beautiful. Read it. Soak it in. And believe it. The past does not define you. You can change and be anything you want to be. I promise you.

Have a terrific Thursday and a great weekend🎉🎉🎉

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