Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Weekend Recap

Sometimes I swear Tuesday's will be the death of me. Tuesday's are my extremely long day of classes and I have night class. I hate night class. I'm not a night person to begin with and I really don't learn well at night. Combine a lack of sleep and a general dislike of night classes and it's like a storm of grumpy. I try really hard to be positive about it, but by the end of class I am beyond tired. 

My Tuesday rant is over I promise. On to the weekend recap! I feel like a broken record, but my weekend was packed with homework (no surprise). I had six papers to write, a news package to write, track, film a stand-up for, and edit, and hundreds of pages to read between all my classes. I busted my butt and cranked out papers like no other. By Saturday morning I had written four papers and my news package and needed a break- although I probably shouldn't have taken one. I hoped in the car and just drove. I enjoyed the sunshine, the fall colors, and having the road mostly to myself in the early morning. 

Sadly, I did have to go back and work on homework (boo). On the bright side for dinner I heated up leftover crockpot turkey and veggie meatballs because they're downright delicious. Fall equals crockpot weather in my books so it was the perfect dinner for a gorgeous fall day. 

Sunday I spent a large chunk of the afternoon editing my news package for one of my broadcasting classes. I had to film a stand-up too, but that was quick and easy to do. I am not a fan of editing though, and I really hate audio editing, but I persevered and I think the final product is pretty good!

Even though it's not the weekend I'm going to include Monday just because. Monday I was a ball of nerves because I had to do a lengthy presentation. I don't generally mind presentations, but I hate talking about myself. I love hearing other people's stories about where they came from and everything, but I don't like to talk about myself. I successfully made it through the presentation and was greeted with a warm bowl of crockpot chicken and veggie soup when I got home. I curled up with my bowl of soup and a pile of textbooks and got cracking.

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